Editorials , — January 14, 2014 12:09 — 0 Comments

Seahawks and Jesus

This clip of the devilish Mark Driscoll popped up the other day with him talking to Seahawks players. Besides looking old and sounding foolish, he never lets go of that bible! Given the video, we thought we’d check in with our resident religion expert, Stephanie Drury, to get her thoughts on the conversation.

Stephanie Drury: I can’t believe the Mars Hill legal team (which is kept on retainer and paid for with tithes) hasn’t put a muzzle on Mark by now, but that just means more entertainment for us. What strikes me as interesting is that this clip went up the same day Mark tweeted that it’s unloving not to tell people they’re going to hell, which makes me think their PR team (also tithe-funded) is at least on the ball. I don’t have a problem with what Russell Wilson says here. He seems sincere and earnest and 25. And he spends every Tuesday at Children’s Hospital. What a doll. This is just my gut feeling, but on top of the fucked-up shit Mark says about hell and women’s roles, I really feel he’s more concerned with trying to learn football terms like “longsnapper” and “D-lineman” to bro down with Seahawks than he is with reading biblical commentaries in which scholars completely debunk what Mark proclaims as truth. Do you remember when Mars Hill announced their record label and Mark kept calling albums “EPs” like he’d been coached?  Same vibe here, except the hilarity is diffused by the disgusting damning missive on hell he tweeted that same day. Okay, enough thinking about Driscoll. I need a palate cleanser.


Jake Uitti is a founding member of The Monarch Review.

Stephanie Drury runs the site Stuff Christian Culture Likes.

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